JUNE 2024

The Royal Norwegian Yacht Club (KNS) has received the award ‘Environmentally approved event’ for its two regattas this summer: Grundig Women’s regatta and ORCi European Championship in big boat. In the preparations with the regattas, KNS has worked thoroughly and well to ensure that their events do not contribute to littering and minimize emissions.

KNS as organizers has initiated several good measures within waste management, purchasing, reuse, food waste, plastic packaging, and that they encourage participants and volunteers to a clean-up day in the beach zone. This has resulted in both regattas being approved as an Environmentally Approved event according to FEE Norway’s criteria.

We are very proud that our events have been environmentally approved. KNS has decided that by 2030 they will be an association that does not add CO2 to the climate and does not contribute to littering nature with its activities. Even though we are not there yet, we will keep on striving bit by bit. The sea, in addition to weather and wind, are some of the most important things we have as a sailing association and on which we depend on to be able to practice our sports. We are committed to preserving these natural resources, and passing them on to the next generation in the same condition we want it to be”, Says Vibeke Grenness, Stainability Manager, KNS

«We are very impressed with KNS, which has not only taken the initiative, but has worked systematically and thoroughly to meet the criteria that must be in place to receive this award. In particular, we would like to emphasize that they emphasize the reuse of textiles from previous years, plan the purchase of meals so as to minimize food waste, and plan to refill water bottles rather than sell disposable bottles. Communication with volunteers and participants and encourage them to pick up garbage when they see it is also a good way to engage those involved. We look forward to seeing how the implementation goes «, says Marit Kjellesvik, General Manager of the FEE Norway Foundation

To achieve the award Environmentally approved event, the event must meet several comprehensive criteria. This includes requirements for source sorting of waste, measures to reduce the overall energy consumption, environmental information for everyone involved in the event, including all volunteers, purchase of eco-labeled products, short-distance food, facilities for the disabled, and not least, strict requirements for to put the area where the event has been held back in its original condition.

Environmentally approved event is a certification scheme prepared by the FEE Norway Foundation. And is an award for organizers who want to actively work to reduce their environmental impact. All types of events that can meet these criteria from FEE Norway and that want to improve their environmental work can be approved.



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